covering islands with digital transmitters.
Thanks to the good combination of digital
terrestrial television, traditional cable TV,
online TV on the Internet through applications
and on social networks, VTV’s programs
appear more and more often. VTV has
also implemented an online television
system on the Internet, which branded
as VTVGo. Today, VTVGo has been a
new broadcasting platform, parallel to the
traditional broadcasting platform. VTVGo
has covered and met the audience’s
viewing needs on all personal entertainment
devices and gradually replaced the satellite
transmission method to broadcast VTV4
channel abroad. Since 2018, VTV4 stopped
broadcasting via satellite, Vietnamese people
all over the world can watch VTV4 on the
Internet via VTVGo. Currently, VTVGo has
been installed and used in 200 countries
and regions. In order to make Vietnam
Television become a multimedia group, since
2018, VTV stopped broadcasting analogue
across the country, completed broadcasting
transmission digitalization. On the digital
platform, there are other applications such as
VTV Entertainment, VTV- Sport... At the same
time, VTV is promoting the implementation
of technical solutions, implementing the
roadmap for converting IP technology and
producing 4K TV channels, investing in
technical infrastructure, technology and
equipment for new studios, 4K technology
production equipment...
With the aim of participating in the
international television market, Vietnam
Television has stepped up cooperation in
the production of documentaries and TV
series, and exchange programs with many
foreign television organizations. Vietnamese
viewers are impressed with the image of VTV
reporters residing in 10 countries (11 offices),
present in the world’s hotspots, reflecting
and commenting on most of the world’s big
events. Especially the major conferences,
sporting events and world culture ... which
are reported live. This is another sign of big
progress for Vietnam Television, which can
only be achieved when VTV has sufficient
funds to cover these activities and has a team
of dynamic and skilled reporters.
On January 4, 2018, the Government
issued Decree No. 02/2018 / ND-CP
promulgating the functions, tasks, powers,
and organizational structure of Vietnam
Television (then Decree No. 34/2020
amending and supplementing Article 3 of
Decree No. 02/2018). According to this,
Vietnam Television continues to operate in
an autonomous and self-responsible manner
in terms of task performance, organizational
structure, number of employees, and to apply
financial, labor and salary mechanisms like
enterprises. This is the legal basis as well as
the orientation for VTV to keep developing in
the period of 2021 - 2025 and the following
Vietnam Television has developed in
the direction of being a multimedia media
agency, developing advertising channels
towards interactive television, online
television and increasing production of
digital products, combining digital and
television products. By doing this, VTV has
maintained a stable number of audiences on
channels and developed a digital audience.
Currently, VTV has a strong presence on
digital platforms such as Website, App
Streaming Video, social networks such
as Facebook, Youtube, Zalo, Instagram...
with about tens of millions of followers.
In addition, Television Magazine - printed
newspapers has been an effective connection
between viewers and VTV for the past 26
years. VTV News online newspaper with the
domain name
vtv.vnofficially launched in 2012
(in 2000 it was the website with the address
www.vtv.org.vn,until June 2004 launched a
new version with the address
has provided information from all sides to
readers and provided online channels of The
National Television.
There are currently has 9 broadcasting
channels and hundreds of cable TV channels
and other information and communication
services associated with the VTV logo...
Every day, VTV broadcasts many different
programs suitable for all viewers, each person
can choose their own favorite programs. The
attraction of VTV is that, everyday, every hour,
it transmits a huge amount of information from
all parts of the country and all continents,
sending information to every room we live in.
The original generation of broadcasters
gave way to the second and third
generations. Many young reporters and
editors now are children, grandchildren of the
original generation in the last century. These
young people have been comprehensively
trained, have the skills to work and manage,
effectively use modern facilities, techniques
and technology.
Half a century, VTV in companionship
with the country!
Ông Nguyễn Thành Lương
Phó Tổng giám đốc Đài Truyền hình
Việt Nam
(từ 2010)
Bà Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền
Phó Tổng giám đốc Đài Truyền hình
Việt Nam (từ 2013)
Ông Đinh Đắc Vĩnh
Phó Tổng giám đốc Đài Truyền hình
Việt Nam (từ 2017)
Ông Lê Ngọc Quang
Phó Tổng giám đốc Đài Truyền hình
Việt Nam (từ 2019)
Mr Nguyen Thanh Luong
Vice President of VTV
(2010 to date)
Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
Vice President of VTV
(2013 to date)
Mr Đinh Đắc Vĩnh
Vice President of VTV
(2017 to date)
Mr Le Ngoc Quang
Vice President of VTV
(2019 to date)