lịch phát sóng tháng 11
(Lịch phát sóng có thể thay đổi)
Ngày 1/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
12:30 The Mick
17:05 New Girl
20:00 America’s Next
Top Model
21:00 The Voice
22:00 Scandal
22:55 The Royals
Ngày 2/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
12:30 The Mick
18:00 The Royals
19:00 Harry
20:00 Empire
21:00 Royal Pains
22:00 Young & Hungry
22:55 The Royals
Ngày 3/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
12:30 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 The Royals
19:00 Harry
20:00 Scandal
21:00 Doubt
22:00 Empire
22:55 The Royals
Ngày 4/11
07:10 America’s Next
Top Model
10:40 The Voice
17:00 Miss Earth 2017
19:00 Young & Hungry
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
21:00 Once Upon a Time
22:55 Scandal
23:50 The Mick
Ngày 5/11
08:00 Empire
12:30 Harry
18:00 Empire
19:00 Empire
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
22:00 Royal Pains
22:55 Doubt
Ngày 6/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
12:30 Once Upon a Time
17:05 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 MasterChef Junior US
20:00 Young & Hungry
21:00 The Great Indoors
21:30 SMILF
22:00 How I Met
Your Mother
22:55 Young & Hungry
Ngày 7/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
12:30 The Mick
18:00 The Royals
19:00 Harry
20:00 Once Upon a Time
21:00 The Voice
22:55 The Royals
Ngày 8/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
12:30 SMILF
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 America’s Next
Top Model
21:00 The Voice
22:00 Scandal
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 9/11
08:00 Harry
12:30 How I Met Your
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 Empire
21:00 Royal Pains
22:00 Young & Hungry
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 10/11
07:10 Switched At Birth
12:30 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 Scandal
21:00 Doubt
22:00 Empire
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 11/11
07:10 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 The Great Indoors
19:00 Harry
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
21:00 Once Upon a Time
22:55 Scandal
Ngày 12/11
08:00 Empire
11:35 The Great Indoors
18:00 Empire
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
22:00 Royal Pains
22:55 Doubt
23:50 Royal Pains
Ngày 13/11
07:10 Devious Maids
12:30 Once Upon a Time
18:00 MasterChef USA
Celebrity Showdown
20:00 Young & Hungry
21:00 The Great Indoors
21:30 SMILF
22:00 How I Met
Your Mother
22:55 Young & Hungry
23:50 The Great Indoors
Ngày 14/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
12:30 The Mick
17:05 Bolt of Talent
17:30 Speechless
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 Once Upon a Time
21:00 The Voice
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 15/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 America’s Next
Top Model
21:00 The Voice
22:00 Scandal
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 16/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 Empire
21:00 The Voice
22:00 Royal Pains
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 17/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
12:30 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry
20:00 Scandal
21:00 Doubt
22:00 Empire
22:55 The Catch
Ngày 18/11
07:10 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 The Great Indoors
19:00 Harry
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
21:00 Once Upon a Time
22:55 Scandal
Ngày 19/11
08:00 Empire
12:30 Harry
19:00 Empire
20:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
22:00 Royal Pains
22:55 Doubt
Ngày 20/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
17:05 America’s Next
Top Model
18:00 MasterChef USA
Celebrity Showdown
20:00 Young & Hungry
21:00 The Mick
21:30 SMILF
22:00 How I Met
Your Mother
22:55 Young & Hungry
Ngày 21/11
07:10 Devious Maids
11:35 Grey’s Anatomy
18:00 The Catch
19:00 Harry