(lịch phát sóng có thể thay đổi)
lịch phát sóng tháng 11
nGày 1/11
06:15 younG & hunGry
08:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
11:35 ThE WhiTE princEss
13:00 ThE GrEaT indoors
19:00 MasTErchEF us
20:00 EMpirE
21:00 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
22:00 spEEchlEss
22:55 douBT
23:50 ThE Good docTor
nGày 2/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
08:50 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
11:35 ThE WhiTE princEss
17:05 KEVin can WaiT
19:00 MasTErchEF
Junior us
20:00 ThE Good docTor
21:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:00 a Million liTTlE
22:55 douBT
23:50 EMpirE
nGày 3/11
07:10 oncE upon a TiME
11:35 ThE VoicE
18:00 younG & hunGry
19:00 Miss EarTh 2018
21:00 ThE royals
22:00 craZy Ex-GirlFriEnd
22:55 oncE upon a TiME
nGày 4/11
07:10 MasTErchEF
Junior us
08:00 a Million liTTlE
09:45 asia’s nExT
Top ModEl
10:40 spEEchlEss
11:35 younG & hunGry
18:00 MasTErchEF us
19:00 MasTErchEF
Junior us
20:00 asia’s nExT
Top ModEl
21:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
22:00 EMpirE
23:50 oncE upon a TiME
nGày 5/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
08:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
08:50 oncE upon a TiME
11:35 ThE WhiTE princEss
19:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
20:00 younG & hunGry
21:00 craZy Ex-GirlFriEnd
22:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:55 douBT
23:50 younG & hunGry
nGày 6/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
08:50 ThE Good docTor
11:35 ThE WhiTE princEss
19:00 ThE VoicE
21:00 ThE Good docTor
22:00 EMpirE
22:55 douBT
23:50 nEW aMsTErdaM
nGày 7/11
06:15 spEEchlEss
08:50 nEW aMsTErdaM
11:35 ThE WhiTE princEss
19:00 ThE VoicE
20:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:00 oncE upon a TiME
22:55 douBT
23:50 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
nGày 8/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
09:45 spEEchlEss
11:35 ThE Good FiGhT
19:00 MasTErchEF us
20:00 EMpirE
21:00 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
22:00 spEEchlEss
22:25 spEEchlEss
22:55 douBT
23:50 ThE Good docTor
nGày 9/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
08:50 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
11:35 ThE Good FiGhT
19:00 MasTErchEF
Junior us
20:00 ThE Good docTor
21:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:00 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
22:55 douBT
23:50 EMpirE
nGày 10/11
07:10 oncE upon a TiME
09:45 nEW aMsTErdaM
11:35 ThE VoicE
18:00 younG & hunGry
19:00 ThE royals
22:00 craZy Ex-GirlFriEnd
22:55 oncE upon a TiME
nGày 11/11
06:15 MasTErchEF us
10:40 spEEchlEss
11:35 younG & hunGry
19:00 MasTErchEF
Junior us
20:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
22:00 EMpirE
23:50 oncE upon a TiME
nGày 12/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
11:35 ThE Good FiGhT
19:00 aMErica’s nExT
Top ModEl
20:00 sinGlE parEnTs
20:30 spEEchlEss
21:00 craZy Ex-GirlFriEnd
22:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:55 douBT
23:50 younG & hunGry
nGày 13/11
07:10 KEVin can WaiT
10:40 douBT
12:30 ThE GrEaT indoors
19:00 ThE VoicE
21:00 ThE Good docTor
22:00 EMpirE
22:55 douBT
23:50 nEW aMsTErdaM
nGày 14/11
06:15 spEEchlEss
08:50 nEW aMsTErdaM
11:35 ThE Good FiGhT
19:00 ThE VoicE
20:00 nEW aMsTErdaM
22:00 oncE upon a TiME
22:55 douBT
23:50 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
nGày 15/11
06:40 sinGlE parEnTs
09:45 spEEchlEss
11:35 ThE Good FiGhT
12:30 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
19:00 MasTErchEF us
20:00 EMpirE
21:00 a Million
liTTlE ThinGs
22:00 spEEchlEss
22:25 sinGlE parEnTs