(Lịch phát sóng có thể thay đổi)
lịch phát sóng tháng 10
Ngày 1/10
05:20 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
07:10 The Mick
08:00 Once Upon A Time
10:40 Scandal
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Great Indoors
18:00 The Royals
19:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
20:00 Young & Hungry
20:30 The Mick
21:00 Speechless
22:00 New Amsterdam
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 Young & Hungry
Ngày 2/10
06:15 A Million
Little Things
07:10 The Mick
08:50 The Good Doctor
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Great Indoors
18:00 The Royals
19:00 The Voice
21:00 The Good Doctor
22:00 Empire
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 Asia’s Next
Top Model
Ngày 3/10
05:20 Asia’s Next
Top Model
07:10 The Mick
08:00 Scandal
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Great Indoors
17:05 Speechless
18:00 The Royals
19:00 The Voice
20:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
21:00 New Amsterdam
22:00 Once Upon A Time
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 MasterChef US
Ngày 4/10
06:15 The Mick
08:50 Asia’s Next
Top Model
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Good Doctor
19:00 Celebrity Chef:
East vs West
20:00 Empire
21:00 A Million
Little Things
22:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 The Good Doctor
Ngày 5/10
06:15 The Good Doctor
08:50 A Million
Little Things
12:30 New Amsterdam
19:00 MasterChef
Junior US
20:00 The Good Doctor
21:00 New Amsterdam
22:00 A Million
Little Things
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 The Mick
Ngày 6/10
05:20 The Great Indoors
07:10 Once Upon A Time
09:45 New Amsterdam
11:35 The Voice
19:00 The Royals
22:00 Speechless
22:55 Once Upon A Time
Ngày 7/10
06:15 Celebrity Chef:
East vs West
08:00 A Million
Little Things
11:35 The Mick
19:00 MasterChef
Junior US
20:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
22:00 Empire
22:55 Empire
23:50 Once Upon A Time
Ngày 8/10
07:10 The Mick
08:50 Once Upon A Time
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Great Indoors
18:00 The Royals
19:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
20:00 Young & Hungry
21:00 Speechless
22:00 New Amsterdam
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 Young & Hungry
Ngày 9/10
07:10 The Mick
11:35 The Royals
12:30 The Great Indoors
19:00 The Voice
21:00 The Good Doctor
22:00 Empire
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 Asia’s Next
Top Model
Ngày 10/10
05:20 Asia’s Next
Top Model
09:45 Empire
12:30 The Great Indoors
18:00 The Royals
19:00 The Voice
20:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
21:00 New Amsterdam
22:00 Once Upon A Time
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 A Million
Little Things
Ngày 11/10
06:15 Young & Hungry
11:35 The Royals
19:00 Celebrity Chef:
East vs West
20:00 Empire
21:00 A Million
Little Things
22:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 The Good Doctor
Ngày 12/10
06:15 The Good Doctor
11:35 The Royals
12:30 New Amsterdam
19:00 MasterChef
Junior US
20:00 The Good Doctor
21:00 New Amsterdam
22:00 A Million Little
22:55 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
23:50 Empire
Ngày 13/10
07:10 Once Upon A Time
11:35 The Voice
19:00 The Royals
22:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
22:55 Once Upon A Time
Ngày 14/10
06:15 Celebrity Chef:
East vs West
11:35 Young & Hungry
19:00 MasterChef
Junior US
20:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
22:00 Empire
23:50 Once Upon A Time
Ngày 15/10
07:10 The Mick
11:35 The White Queen
19:00 Asia’s Next
Top Model
20:00 Young & Hungry
21:00 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
22:00 New Amsterdam
22:55 Hindsight
23:50 Young & Hungry